What Is WordPress? And 15 WordPress Site Issues You Can Resolve Yourself


Hello friends….today we will tell you about WordPress, some benefits of it, and how to fix common WordPress Site Issues that you might encounter using it. 

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an online, open-source website creation tool written in PHP. If I say it in simple terms, then it is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) that exists now.

This is a very good way for nontech people to create a website or blog because it is not necessary to have knowledge of coding to use it. As of now, more than 30 percent of people in the entire web world use WordPress, whether it is hobby blogs or any news sites, all use WordPress. The biggest feature of this is that it is free to use.

Like WordPress, there are many CMSs like Joomla, Drupal, Tumblr, etc. But still, WordPress is the most popular CMS and is also user-friendly. Today WordPress is very popular among people. 30% of websites around the world are made in WordPress.

Since WordPress is an Open Source project, thousands of volunteers all over the world are constantly upgrading the code of WordPress and making it much better by improving its code. Apart from this, thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes are available that help you to create any type of website that you can imagine.

WordPress Benefits 

  • Open source 
  • User friendly
  • Inbuilt SEO facility
  • Low cost
  • Most Sites use WordPress CMS
  • A lot of plugin options

Now it’s all about WordPress benefits. But let’s focus on some commonly occurring WordPress Site issues and its solutions:

15 WordPress Commonly Occurring Errors & Its Solutions (No-coding-skill Level)

1. How to Fix Internal Server Error


Seeing an “Internal Server Error” sometimes “500 Internal Server Error”, where your website should be is enough to throw anyone into a panic. When your website goes down, you lose out on potential traffic and sales. If it’s offline for a while, it can also negatively impact your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.

This WordPress Site issue usually appears when there is something wrong, but the server is unable to identify where the problem is. Since the error message does not indicate where you should look for the error, it is pretty much up to you to figure this out.

A wide variety of situations can result in the 500 error, making it a bit of a chore to sort out. Potential causes of the 500 internal server error in WordPress include:

  • Plugin compatibility issues
  • Exhausted PHP memory limit
  • Corrupted files
  • Coding or syntax errors

We have compiled a list of solutions that you can try and one of them will help you resolve it. 

See how to fix internal server errors in WordPress ->

1. Backup your website:

Before tinkering under the hood, it’s always smart to make a backup of your website. If DreamHost hosts your site, you can take advantage of our one-click backup feature. You can also create a manual backup if you prefer.

To make a complete backup, you’ll need to save copies of your WordPress files as well as your databases. You can back up your site’s files using a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client such as FileZilla.

Once you’re connected to your server, navigate to the WordPress files you want to save. These files include the WordPress core installation, plugins, themes, images, and more. To save the files, simply right-click on them and select Download.

Now you’ll need to back up your database, which you can do by logging into phpMyAdmin. Select the database you want to download from the left-hand panel, and then click on the Export tab.

You’ll then need to choose between a “Quick” or a “Custom” export. The Quick export will likely work just fine unless you need to manage more advanced options.

Click on the Go button, and your download should start. Once your website is safely backed up, you can get to work on fixing that 500 error.

2. Checking for Corrupt .htaccess File :

Your .htaccess file is one of the core WordPress files. It contains rules for your server, so it could contribute to a 500 internal server error.

The first thing you should do when troubleshooting the internal server error in WordPress is check for the corrupted .htaccess file.

If your .htaccess file has become corrupted, you’ll want to go ahead and create a fresh one. Start by logging into your site via SFTP and finding your .htaccess file. Rename the file to .htaccess_old. To rename the .htaccess file, you will need to log in to your site using FTP or the File Manager app in your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard.

Once you connect, the .htaccess file will be located in the same directory where you will see folders like wp-content, wp-admin, and wp-includes.

Go ahead and upload your newly created .htaccess file. Then refresh your site in your browser, and check to see whether the error message is showing.

3. Increasing the PHP Memory Limit:

Another reason you might see the 500 internal server error is if you’ve exceeded your server’s PHP memory limit. There are several ways to increase your limit, and they all involve using SFTP. Sometimes internal server error can happen if you are exhausting your PHP memory limit. 

If you are seeing the internal server error only when you try to log in to your WordPress admin or upload an image in your wp-admin, then you should increase the memory limit by following these steps:

  • Create a blank text file called php.ini
  • Paste this code in there: memory=64MB
  • Save the file
  • Upload it into your /wp-admin/ folder using FTP
  • Several users have said that doing the above fixed the admin side problem for them.

If increasing the memory limit fixed the problem for you, then you have only fixed the problem temporarily. You still need to find the cause that is exhausting your memory limit.

This could be a poorly coded plugin or even a theme function. We strongly recommend asking your WordPress web hosting company to look into the server logs to help you find the exact diagnostics.

If increasing the PHP memory limit did not fix the issue for you, then you are in for some more troubleshooting.

Another Solution:

Before you try increasing your memory limit, you may want to start by seeing what it’s currently set to. You can do this through the WordPress admin dashboard. Keep in mind that, with some variations of the 500 error, you won’t be able to access the dashboard. If that’s the case, you may have to skip this step.

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools > Site Health. Click on Info at the top of the screen, and scroll down to the Server section. You should see your PHP memory limit there.

To increase the PHP memory limit, there are a few files you can edit. One is your .htaccess file, typically located in your site’s root directory. Open the file and add the following code:

  1. php_value memory_limit xxxM
  2. memory_limit = xxxM
  3. define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘xxxM’);
  4.  Deactivate all Plugins

If none of the above solutions worked for you, then this error is most likely being caused by a specific plugin. It is also possible that it is a combination of plugins that are not playing nice with each other.

You know what, As an active WordPress user, sometimes you may encounter errors that disrupt your workflow. To resolve them, you may need to disable all your WordPress plugins. Fortunately, you can easily do so even if you lose access to your WordPress admin dashboard.

Sadly, there is no easy way to find this out. You have to deactivate all WordPress plugins at once.

If disabling all plugins fixed the error, then you know it is one of the plugins that is causing the error.

Simply go to the WordPress admin area and click on ‘Plugins’. Now you need to reactivate one plugin at a time until you find the one that caused the issue. Get rid of that plugin, and report the error to the plugin author.

How to deactivate all WordPress plugins 

There are three methods :

1. Your WordPress dashboard

2. FTP/File Manager (if you’re locked out of your dashboard)

3. phpMyAdmin (if you’re locked out of your dashboard)

4. Ask your Hosting Provider

If all methods fail to fix internal server errors on your website, then it is time to get some more help. Contact your web hosting support team and they will be able to check the server logs and locate the root cause of the error.

2. This Site is Experiencing Technical Difficulties


WordPress has a few particularly frustrating issues that can completely shut down your site but don’t provide much guidance about what’s causing the problem. The “The site is experiencing technical difficulties.” error is one such issue.

On its face, it doesn’t tell you much. Fortunately, in most cases, it is quite simple to resolve. For full details, WordPress then sends an email notification to your WordPress admin email address. This email message contains a link to access the backend and attempt to fix the error.

This error message can be triggered by any of the fatal errors mentioned in this article. If you don’t have access to the admin email or can’t get WordPress emails then it becomes harder to find out what error is occurring.

The easiest way to fix this is to make sure that your WordPress admin email address is correct and that you can receive WordPress notification emails.

3. How to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress

Ans :

A syntax error occurs when there’s a mistake in your code. As a result, the compiler cannot process (parse) the file and fail to display your website.

On WordPress, syntax errors are usually caused by incorrect lines in PHP scripts. Some common mistakes are incorrect coding structure, missing punctuation, invalid variables, and wrong function names.

This will result in a PHP parse error and you will see a notice like this:

Parse error- syntax error, unexpected $end in /public_html/site1/wp-content/themes/my-theme/functions.php on line 278

The error message would indicate the unexpected thing found in the code and the location of the script where the error occurred with the line number. To fix this issue you will have to correct the syntax. Most of the time it is a missing bracket or some unexpected character in the code. 

See How to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress->

1. Using Proper Syntax to Avoid Errors:

The syntax error is usually caused by a tiny but crucial mistake in your code syntax. A missing comma or an extra curly bracket can break the entire script.

2. Fixing the Syntax Error Using FTP:

To fix the Syntax Error you need to edit the code that caused this error. You can either remove it or fix the syntax. Often beginners freak out because this error causes your entire site to become inaccessible. If you pasted the code using your WordPress dashboard Appearance » Editor section, then you are locked out.

After installing the FTP program, connect it to your website and go to the theme file that needs editing. In case you forgot which file you need to edit, just look at the error code. The error will tell you exactly which file and which line you need to edit. You can either remove the code you last added or write the code in the correct syntax. Once you are done removing/editing the code, save the file and upload it back to your server. Come to your WordPress site and refresh the page, and your site will be working. 

4. How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error


The WordPress 404 error is one of the most common bugs you’ll run across online. However, that doesn’t make it any less annoying or harmful when it appears on your website. The good news is that fixing it is relatively simple, and the process is well-documented for WordPress websites.

The 404 error pops up when you try to access a page and your browser can’t find it. Depending on which browser you use, the message can vary slightly in its presentation. Firefox, for example, hits you with a “404 Not Found” error. Chrome, on the other hand, shows you a message that reads “404. That’s an error.”:

See How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error->

1. Fix for Local Servers:

Often designers and developers install WordPress on their computers using a local server for testing purposes. If you want to use pretty permalinks, then you need to enable the rewrite_module in the Apache configuration of your MAMP, WAMP, or XAMPP.

1. Reset Your WordPress Permalinks

2. Restore Your WordPress .htaccess File

3. Disable Your WordPress Themes and Plugins

5. How to Fix the Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress


Perfecting your WordPress website’s layout can be a lot of work, but it’s also essential for User Experience (UX), engagement, and conversions. Therefore, it can be frustrating when a seemingly random error disrupts your site’s display — such as your sidebar suddenly appearing below the content rather than to the side.

While there are a few potential causes, it primarily comes down to issues with the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Fortunately, the issues are relatively easy to fix, so you can quickly get your site back in tip-top shape.

We have troubleshooted this issue for numerous users. 9 times out of 10, the reason is the same. There is an unclosed div element on the page. It could also be that there is an extra div element being closed on the page which makes it seem like your sidebar is outside the wrap element. So what does this mean in English? Let’s troubleshoot it step by step.

Is this something that started happening recently? Is it only happening on a specific post or page? If your answer is YES, then the following fix is for you. Look through anything that you changed recently. Did you add a plugin? Did you make any HTML-related changes? Does your specific post or page content have blocks in them? Make sure that they are properly closed. One of the best ways to find out the error is by using the W3 Validator. If you are creating a custom theme, and this issue is happening with you, then there could be a few issues. One issue we have already revealed to you above. A few other issues could be: 

Improper width ratio. If your container width is only 960px, then you have to keep things proportional. For example, the content width is 600px, and the sidebar width is 300px with a 60px margin between them. The other issue could be float property. You have to make sure that you add float: left; and float: right to the appropriate elements. If you do not do that, then it will not work.

You can also troubleshoot the WordPress Site issue yourself without using code. There are several online tools online that can validate your code and check it for errors.

6. How to Fix Image Upload Issues in WordPress


If you are unable to upload images, you are no doubt wondering what is causing image upload issues in WordPress and how to fix it. You may be getting a WordPress HTTP error or a file size error. WordPress image upload errors can begin unexpectedly, or in some cases, after you make changes to your site.  Either way, it takes some effort to find out why WordPress cannot upload images or videos and to resolve it.

All these files in the media library will appear as broken. This error occurs due to incorrect file and directory permissions in a WordPress installation. Several factors may cause this issue. 

See How to Fix Image Upload Issue in WordPress->

1. When You Cannot Upload a Particular File:

If you are seeing this issue with one file but all others upload properly, then there are two easy solutions to fix this.

  • Resize the image to solve image upload issues in WordPress
  • Rename the image

2. When you get file size errors:

This happens when the image you are trying to upload is larger than the file size limit for uploads.

  • Increase max file size
  • When you cannot upload (and your media gallery shows blank images, or you recently migrated to another host)
  • Change file permission for upload folder:
  • When You Are Getting a WordPress HTTP Error When Uploading:

An HTTP error can be caused by several issues, some of which we have considered above. However, the two most likely causes are (1) WordPress memory problems. (2) Multiple threads in your image processor.

  • Increase the memory limit to solve image upload issues in WordPress
  • Set the image processor to use one thread
  • Clear cache if you are using a caching plugin
  • Disable Plugins

7. How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress


Did you just try to access your WordPress site only to be hit by some message telling you something is “Forbidden” or that you don’t have permission to access something on your site? If so, you’ve likely run into the 403 Forbidden error in WordPress.

Seeing an error on your WordPress site can be frustrating and deflating, which is why we’ve created this detailed guide to help you fix the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress and get your site functioning again as quickly as possible.

403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access ‘/’ on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error in WordPress was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

There are different scenarios when you can see this error. Incorrect file permissions, poorly coded security plugins, or server configuration are the most common culprits.

See How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress ->

1. Fixing 403 Forbidden Error Caused by a WordPress Plugin :

The first thing you need to do is to temporarily deactivate all WordPress plugins. This includes any security plugins that you may have installed on your site.

If this resolves your problem, then this means one of the plugins on your website was causing this error.

You can figure out which plugin was causing the error by activating all your plugins one at a time until you can reproduce the 403 forbidden error.

2. Fix 403 Forbidden Error Caused by Corrupt .htaccess File:

Often the 403 error is caused by a corrupt .htaccess file in your WordPress site. Repairing this file is quite easy.

First, you need to connect to your website using an FTP client or file manager in cPanel.

Next, locate the .htaccess file in the root folder of your WordPress site.

You need to download the .htaccess file to your computer so that you have a fresh backup of it. After that, you need to delete the file from your server.

Try accessing your website. If the 403 forbidden error is resolved, then this means that your .htaccess file was corrupt.

You can generate a fresh.htaccess file by logging into your WordPress admin area and going to Settings » Permalinks page.

Simply click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page and WordPress will generate a fresh.htaccess file.

8. How to Fix “This site ahead contains harmful programs” Error in WordPress


Search engines like Google prioritizes user experience and satisfaction. They ensure their users not only get the right answers to their search queries but that they are protected from any cyber threats. You can check our guide on website hack protection.

It’s risky for Google users to visit hacked websites because they could become targets of hacker.

Hackers could steal their data or redirect them to phishing sites.

Hackers could trick them into downloading malware onto their devices.

Visitors may be subjected to viewing inappropriate malicious content and ads.

These are only a few of the malicious acts hackers carry out.

Thus, if your site is hacked, Google and other search engines, immediately flag your site and warn their users that your site isn’t secure. They display different warnings depending on why your site poses a risk. In the case of malware, you will see the following or a similar red screen warning that is displayed above.

Another common reason for this error is showing ads from low-quality advertising networks. These networks may sometimes display ads linking to websites distributing malicious code.

See How to Fix “This site ahead contains harmful programs” Error in WordPress ->

1. Getting The Warning Removed by Google:

Once you are certain that your website is clean, then you can ask Google to remove this warning from search results.

You will need to use Google’s Webmaster tools for that.

Once there, you need to click on the security issues section in the webmaster tools. This page will list any security issues Google may have found on your website. You will also see the links to resources on clean-up on your site.

Once you have fixed the issues, click on the checkbox and request a review.

Another way to get the warning removed, you need to take the following five steps -:

  • Scan and clean malware from your WordPress website
  • Identify why your site was hacked
  • Harden your WordPress Site
  • Submit your site to Web Host (If your WordPress account is suspended)
  • Submit your site to Google for review

9. How to Fix WordPress Keeps Logging Out Problem

Ans :

Sometimes when you’re using WordPress, it keeps logging you out. This mostly happens when you’re making/saving changes. It can be very frustrating. This issue is also called a WordPress session timeout issue.

There can be many reasons why you’re being logged out of WordPress. WordPress sets a cookie in your browser to authenticate a login session. This cookie is set for the WordPress URL stored in your settings section. If you are accessing from a URL that does not match the one in your WordPress settings, then WordPress will not be able to authenticate your session. 

See How to Fix WordPress Keeps Logging Out Problem ->

1. Fixing The Login Issue:

A simple fix for this login issue is to make sure that you have the same URL in your Site Address and WordPress Address fields in your WordPress settings. This means that you need to choose either a www or a non-www URL in both fields.

Login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Settings » General.

2. Deactivating plugins:

In this troubleshooting method, you’ll have to manually deactivate all your plugins using an FTP client such as Filezilla. After deactivating the plugins you’ll have to activate them one at a time to identify the culprit plugin.

3. Clear cache and browser cookies:

Try clearing the cache and browser cookies. Cache and browser cookies often affect the performance of your WordPress website. Sometimes an old or expired cookie could override your recent login.

10. How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress


In some instances, your website’s server may act as a gateway. The 502 response is its way of telling you that it received an invalid response from another server it was attempting to communicate with.

Ultimately, a 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress is a server-level issue. This means it’s not a WordPress-specific problem, nor is it directly related to your website. Therefore, it may be difficult to fix on your own.

It is usually caused when a user’s request to a server takes too long to process without giving any other error.

This delay can be a temporary glitch caused by high traffic. It could also be caused by a poorly coded WordPress theme or plugin. Last but not least, a server misconfiguration can also produce this error.

See How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress ->

1. Reload Your Website:

Sometimes your server may take longer to respond due to increased traffic or low server resources. In that case, the problem may automatically disappear in a few minutes. You should try reloading the web page that you are viewing to see if this is the cause.

If this fixes your problem, then you do not need to read any further. However, if you see this error frequently, then you need to continue reading as there may be something else that needs fixing.

2. Clear Browser Cache:

Your browser may be showing you the error page from the cache. Even after the issue is fixed, you will see the 502 error because the browser is loading your website from the cache.

To fix this, users with Windows/Linux operating systems can press Ctrl + F5 buttons, and Mac OS users can press CMD + Shift + R buttons on their keyboards to refresh the page. You can also remove the cache manually from your browser settings.

Once you clear your WordPress cache, try loading the website again.

You can use a different browser to troubleshoot if the problem is occurring because of the browser cache. If you see the error on all browsers, then continue reading.

3. Update WordPress Themes and Plugins:

If the error is still there, then the next step is to check your theme or plugins.

First, you will need to deactivate all WordPress plugins via FTP. After that, visit your website to see if the error has been resolved.

If it is, then one of your plugins was causing the issue. You now need to activate all plugins one by one until you can reproduce the error. This will help you locate the plugin responsible for the error.

You can find an alternative plugin or contact the plugin author for support.

If deactivating plugins didn’t solve your issue, then you would want to check your WordPress theme. You will need to switch WordPress themes via phpMyAdmin.

After switching your theme to the default WordPress theme, visit your website to see if it’s working. If you are still seeing the error, then continue reading.

4. Check the Hosting Server:

If all the troubleshooting mentioned above steps fail, it is likely an issue with your hosting server.

You need to contact your hosting provider’s support team and let them know about the issue. All good WordPress hosting companies will be able to quickly fix the issue if it is caused by a server misconfiguration.

11. How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress


If you are brand new to WordPress and have just set up your website, chances are that you may already be hitting the panic button if your website pops out a 503 at you. Your website is still there but continues to remain inaccessible for one reason or the other. You need to tackle this issue right away since the downtime translates to a loss of potential customers.

The 503 service unavailable error in WordPress is often caused by an unresponsive PHP script. This could be a WordPress plugin, a theme, or a misbehaving custom code snippet.

It can also be triggered by a heavy server load, a server glitch, or a brute-force attack. In that case, it could automatically disappear in a few minutes. If it doesn’t disappear, then you will need to troubleshoot and fix it.

See How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress ->

1. Disable Your Active WordPress Theme:

If you’ve made it this far down the list and still see the error, we can rule out plugins as the source. This means there are still themes and custom scripts to check. Let’s tackle the former first.

Fortunately, this process is very similar to step number two, so it should be a breeze for you. What we’re going to do is disable your active theme using FTP, to see if it’s the source of the error. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Access your server using an FTP client.
  • Locate and access your WordPress root folder.
  • Go into the wp-content/themes directory.
  • Look for a folder that shares the same (or a similar name) to your active theme.
  • Once you identify it, right-click your theme’s folder, and choose the Rename option.
  • Change your theme name to something similar to mytheme-deactivated
  • Go to your WordPress website just like you would any other time.

By now, you know the drill. If you can access your site without running into a 503 service unavailable error in WordPress, your theme is behind it. You’ll also notice your website probably looks different. That’s because deleting your theme’s folder forces WordPress to replace it with a default one.

Naturally, you’ll want to get your old theme back. However, that may mean you’ll run into the error again. With that in mind, we recommend re-downloading the theme from its provider and making sure you’re using the latest version. As with the previous solution, you’ll also want to contact the developer for a fix.

If the error persists, you’ll have no choice but to start looking for theme alternatives. You could also use one of the theme’s older versions – if it’s available – but that’s not something we recommend. After all, old software is often more vulnerable to attacks.

2. Contact Your Web Hosting Provider:

If your website is receiving a massive influx of traffic – be it legitimate or malicious – it’s usually not something you alone can solve. To fix the problem, you’ll need to contact your web host’s support team.

The first thing you need to ask is whether there’s any unusual traffic activity on your website. Whichever agent you’re talking to should be able to ascertain if that’s the case in minutes, and maybe even tell if you’re indeed dealing with an attack. At that point, one of several things may happen:

They may temporarily upgrade your plan to deal with the spike in traffic if it’s possible for them to do so.

You may be asked to move to a better plan that can handle the traffic you’re receiving.

They may be able to implement some defense against the DDoS attack if that’s the cause of your problems.

You may be told to sit tight and wait until the traffic wave dies down on its own.

3. Troubleshooting:

If both methods fail to resolve the error, then you can take the following steps:

Contact your WordPress hosting company because they may be able to pinpoint what’s causing the issue.

As a last resort, you can reinstall WordPress with a fresh copy.

12. How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error in WordPress


The 504 Gateway Timeout error in WordPress is one of the most common HTTP 5xx errors faced by website owners and site visitors. For many WordPress blogs and e-commerce platforms, knowing how to fix server errors like this is crucial to keep their hard-earned visitors from bouncing to competitor sites.

As the 504 Gateway Timeout error in WordPress doesn’t tell you why it occurred, it’s hard to pinpoint what’s causing the server timeout.

Also, The 504 gateway timeout error is often caused when a request to your server is processed through a proxy or firewall but fails to connect with the upstream server.

You are more likely to see this error if you are using a WordPress firewall like Sucuri or Cloudflare.

See How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error in WordPress ->

1. Try Reloading the Webpage:

One of the first things you can try when encountering a 504 Gateway Timeout error is to wait a few minutes and try reloading the page.

You can press the F5 keyboard shortcut to refresh/reload the webpage in most browsers. To remove the page’s browser cache before reloading, you can press the CTRL+F5 shortcut combo instead.

While you’re at it, you can also try loading the site in a different browser to rule that out as an issue. As most 504 errors are due to temporarily overloaded servers, using this solution should make your site come right back.

If waiting and reloading the site doesn’t fix the 504 error issue, you can check whether a site is down for everyone or just you.

2. Reboot Your Network Devices:

Sometimes, problems with your network devices like modem or router could lead to a 504 Gateway Timeout error in WordPress. Rebooting these devices could help you with fixing the problem.

While you can switch off all these networking devices in any order, the order in which you switch them back on is important. Typically, turn these devices on from the “outside-in,” following the connection order from the internet service provider to your main client device.

3. Wait and Reload:

Sometimes the 504 Gateway Timeout error in WordPress may simply be caused by a temporary glitch on your WordPress hosting servers. Give it a few minutes and then try reloading your website.

If the issue disappears, then you don’t need to take any further steps. However, if the error persists or reappears after a while, then continue reading to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

4. Clean up your WordPress Database:

A corrupt WordPress database may also trigger a 504 gateway timeout error. Don’t worry, your WordPress data is most likely safe. However, your database may need a little bit of spring cleaning.

This can be easily done by optimizing your WordPress database using phpMyAdmin or using a plugin like WP-Sweep. Make sure you back up the WordPress database before performing any action.

13. How to Fix Secure Connection Error in WordPress


The Secure Connection Error in WordPress usually happens when you try to install or update a plugin or theme from the official WordPress.org database. Even if you don’t do this manually, your WordPress always checks if there are new updates available for your existing plugins, themes, or WordPress core files. During this process, your server needs to connect to WordPress.org to check for any available updates. If your server cannot reach the WordPress.org server and establish a secure connection, then the following error will appear in your browser:

An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s configuration. 

If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure 

connection to WordPress.org. Please contact your server administrator.) in 

/var/www/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 122

Updates play an important role in WordPress security and performance. This is why you need to fix this error to resume WordPress updates.

See How to Fix Secure Connection Error in WordPress ->

1. Hosting and Server-Related Issues:

If your shared hosting server is under a DDoS attack, then it is likely that the connection to WordPress.org will timeout causing the secure connection error.

In that case, you can wait for a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, then you need to reach out to your web hosting company’s support team.

2. Check Your Firewall:

If you have a Firewall service installed on your server you will need to check that the ports used by your web server are not blocked by any firewall rules. The default web server ports used by Apache or Nginx are 80 or 8080 for HTTP and/or 433 for HTTPS. If you are using the UFW firewall,  you can use the following commands to open these port numbers. For Apache:

  • ufw allow ‘Apache Full’

For Nginx:

  • ufw allow ‘Nginx Full’

You can then check the status of your firewall and verify that the changes are applied with the following command:

  • ufw status

You can now go back to your WordPress site and try to run the update check again to see if the secure connection error has been fixed.

14. How to Fix Common SSL Issues in WordPress


See How to Fix Common SSL Issues in WordPress ->

1. Backup your site:

Before you take any further steps to fix the WordPress site not non-secure warning, you should take a full WordPress site backup. It is good practice to back up your website before making any changes to your website, especially if they are major. 

2. Install the SSL certificate to secure connection:

Most people are intimidated by installing an SSL certificate; and some time ago, they would have had good reason. Now, things are much simpler with plugins that do most of the heavy lifting.  

It is, however, a long process. Follow our instructions on how to install an SSL certificate carefully. It includes everything you need to know about installing SSL certificates such as:

  • Choosing an SSL certificate
  • Installing a custom certificate
  • Verifying the SSL certificate

3. Redirect Links From HTTP to HTTPS:

The next step uses a little bit of tech language, and it is important to know these terms as a website owner. It is helpful to know the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

Now, you’ll have to make sure that every page on your site is served securely, which means that all visitors hit the SSL version of your website. That’s where an HTTP to HTTPS redirection comes into play.

Don’t worry if this sounds a little complicated. As with all things WordPress, you can redirect URLs from HTTP to HTTPS in two ways:

  • With a plugin
  • Without a plugin

We highly recommend that you use a plugin such as Simple SSL to redirect your site from HTTP to HTTPS. Forcing the site to redirect manually to SSL can have several unintended consequences, as it requires you to fiddle around with WordPress core files that are best left alone.

15. How to Fix the HTTP Image Upload Error in WordPress


There are few things more frustrating than the vague HTTP image upload error in WordPress. It’s a common issue that you might encounter when adding files to the WordPress Media Library. However, in most cases, you can resolve it quickly and get back to creating content.

Several things could lead to an HTTP error when uploading files using the WordPress media uploader.

Most of the time, this error is a temporary issue and resolves in a few minutes. However, other times it becomes persistent and needs further investigation.

See How to Fix the HTTP Image Upload Error in WordPress ->

1. Make Sure The HTTP Error is Not Temporary:

First, you should wait a few minutes and then try uploading your image file again. This error is sometimes caused by unusual traffic and low server resources, which are automatically fixed on most WordPress hosting servers.

If that doesn’t work, then you may want to try uploading a different image file. If the other file uploads successfully, then try saving your original image file to a smaller size and retry uploading.

Lastly, you may want to try saving the file to a different format. For example, change jpeg to png using an image editing software. After that, retry uploading the file.

If all these steps result in the HTTP error, then this means that the error is not caused by a temporary glitch and needs your immediate attention.

2. Using The .htaccess Method:

This method allows you to control how Imagick uses server resources. Many shared hosting providers limit Imagick’s ability to use multiple threads for faster image processing. However, this would result in you seeing the HTTP Image Upload Error in WordPress when uploading images.

An easy fix is to add the following code in your .htaccess file:


This code simply limits Imagick to use a single thread to process images. 

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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