Your Digital Agency Website Will Fall-off Without These 5 Key Concepts


Digitisation is at its peak and every day we come across a digital agency website that promises business. Not all of these websites cut the mark with their first impression. However, some websites sound professional enough to trust. What kind of websites are these? What makes your digital agency website trustworthy? How do you attract conversions with the help of a website’s design? In this post, we are answering all of your questions circling how to build a successful digital agency website.

Running an agency website can be extremely challenging. It can be downright despairing at times. This blog is for start-ups who are entrepreneurs who have aspired to make his/her digital agency website. Without these 5 key points, your digital agency website will never perform as desired.

Editor’s note: Bot-made website designs are not a good alternative when it comes to your business website. A custom website design is all it takes to attract an authentic target audience. Click here to view an exclusive collection of handmade themes that can be customized in minutes!

1. Impressive Homepage design

Impressive Homepage design

The homepage of your website is the first look at your work. It evaluates your brand value. This section of your website should be engaging and easy to understand. Designing a homepage is a crucial part. You either do it yourself if you know major design trends and how to use them or else hire a designer for you. It should include:

  • Logo
  • Header
  • Tagline/Opening line
  • Short introduction of what you are offering
  • An image/video
  • Redirecting links

You can add an interactive chatbot on your website as a pop-up to welcome your visitors. You can share the brand’s philosophy, your vision, and about yourself in the ‘About’ section that follows. Adding a paragraph or points about what makes you unique has an added advantage.

2. Stat & Icons

Stat & Icons

Infographics are a recommended way of highlighting numbers. You are a startup and you don’t have data to put up? You can any set of information and show it in the form of a metric. For example, you can show how having a digital agency cuts down the cost to big companies, or to what extent an organization can optimize websites for online conversion, etc.

3. Tell a Story

Tell a Story

Business is now taking a personalized perspective. If you don’t have a story, create one and tell it to your visitors. This will hold website viewers for some more time and connect with them instantaneously.

4. Capitalize your CTA

Capitalize your CTA

A Call-To-Action button on the website is the most powerful tool. Designing and placing this conversion medium is extremely important. Add an incentive to encourage the CTA clicks. Put an animation around your CTA to increase the likelihood of getting clicked.

5. Contact page design

Contact page design

The Contact page is the trickiest page/section of any business website. Your website visitors are coming here to get your information first before sharing theirs. So, it is wise to share your address/email address/social media handles before asking them. Lure your viewers with some free e-book or tutorial or schedule a free consultation or audit of his/her brand for free.

Well, these are 5 concepts you can incorporate while building your business online. If you have any questions or need to know more or are not confident enough to create your website, get one fabulously optimized custom website here.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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