10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress


 If you’re even having the slightest doubt about something, you should never fear to ask that out. It builds your confidence inside and stops you from grabbing the appealing opportunity.

We often feel anxious about the queries that keep bothering us for a very long time. Fear of looking stupid, not being able to understand simple things, not pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, and whatnot!

Thus, it doesn’t matter that either you’re an absolute beginner or an ultra pro. Questions will keep on coming to you, queries will keep on building inside your mind, and doubts will trouble you a lot but it’s all fine, as you’re learning, you’re growing and you’re making yourself evolve.

So, this blog is exactly for you, “My Inspiration!”. This blog will help you to solve some really simple queries about WordPress. We are sure, at the end of the blog, you will thank us for sure in the comment section for sorting them out!

Here we begin! With our very first question,

1. What exactly is WordPress?

Well, In most simple words if you’re looking for a way to develop a website and have no knowledge about coding then this is the way to start your journey.

Now professionally, WordPress is a content management system (CMS) through which a user can build their own website or blog. Throwback to its early stages, it was entirely used for blogging. Presently, it’s the most scalable and flexible platform for housing any type of website out there.

No matter if it’s landing pages, e-commerce websites, educational websites, news outlets, resource presentations, knowledge-based websites, and many more. Every prospect can be covered using WordPress.

To add a little more credibility, even multi-national companies prefer to power their website with the assistance of WordPress.

Now, a question arises: what’s the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

2. What’s the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

WordPress.org is self-hosted and WordPress.com doesn’t require any sort of hosting. It signifies that your blog will come under the sub-domain.

For instance, let’s suppose your site name is – knowledge square. Then your, post will look like this-


Clear? No? Wait!

You can remove WordPress.com from the URL by paying to get your own custom domain.

There are some cons while using WordPress.com, such as no plugins, no theme support, storage space, and less command and expansion. We recommend you go for WordPress.org as it offers you a ton of new opportunities that too at a very low cost.

Let’s go to the third most common question.

3. Is WordPress free for all?

Yes! WordPress is free to use but definitely up to a certain extent. It’s an Open Source Software but we still need to buy a domain name and a hosting service, indirectly there are some expenditures but only if you want to pursue this professionally. Many people just prefer writing blogs as their hobby and do not prefer to pay for the premium.

Some hosting services provide customer support, 24/7 assistance, plenty of storage, and free domain for an entire year.

Well, you must keep in mind that with time, your skills will advance, your scope of interest will grow, and requirements will take a hike. So, you will need to spend a small amount of money. Till then, enjoy the platform, learn more about it, and enrich your skill set.

Now, let’s go to another question which is.

4. How to install WordPress on your computer?

First, we want to mention that we can’t convey the entire process in this blog. So, we’ll cover the same in the detailed version soon. Check our blogs!

Now, initially, you need to choose between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Take your time, figure out your requirements, Figure out your priorities, and then go accordingly.

If you like to ask for our recommendation, then we would say WordPress.org as it offers a variety of opportunities as mentioned earlier.

After that, you need to come up with a unique domain name. A name that entirely represents you, and then chooses a reliable host according to your needs.

Got that? Now, we can proceed to install WordPress manually.

  • Create a piece of information (using cPanel) and transfer your copy to WordPress.
  • Download WordPress and unzip it.
  • Download these files to your server either by using the control panel of your hosting supplier or by using FTP.

We are ready to install. So, Let’s move on to the next question, now.

5. Will WordPress be a good choice for a beginner?

Absolutely Yes! If you’re a beginner then probably you’re adhering to pay and you should be. It makes no sense at all to spend thousands of rupees on something of which we have zero knowledge.

It’s always better to first learn, acquire the knowledge, build an idea, and then implement it. As stated earlier, it’s free up to a certain point. Then, why not make its use to the optimum utility?

Also, if you’re a beginner there’s a chance that you might have an understanding of coding and script writing but even if you don’t have them too it’s absolutely fine. WordPress is user-friendly and easy to use, and there are tons of themes and plugins waiting for you to explore and make the process even easier for you.

Moving to the next question!

6. What are WordPress plugins?

Plugins are primarily add-ons you’ll use to expand the practicality of your WordPress site. If there’s a definite feature you would like your website to have, there’s probably a plugin for it. For example, if you want to feature subscription forms on your WordPress site, you can install an acceptable email marketing plugin for it.

The most remarkable fact that we cherish about plugins is that they’re very easy to handle and implement. Each plugin comes with its own set of options that you can adjust accordingly to your specific needs.

Want to look at some amazing WordPress plugins? Click Here!

Till then, let’s move to the next question.

7. How to install Plugins?

You just ought to access Plugins >> Add New places in your admin dashboard. Then, type the name of the required plugin (or the plugin’s keyword) in the search bar to put in it. Alternatively, you’ll be able to use the “Upload Plugin” button to upload the plugin’s zip file.

Simple? So let’s move to the next question now.

8. What are WordPress Themes?

A WordPress theme is nothing but just a set of files plus templates that come really handy to design and make a website alluring. They usually come with a variety of features, fully customizable, and unique.

Mostly include website logo, typography, colors, menus, widgets and widget areas, animations and effects, responsiveness, and so on.

As you’ve stuck with us so far, here’s a little bonus!

Now, after reading this I am sure you’re going to question-

9. How Do I Choose the Right Theme for My WordPress Site?

Choosing a website template plays the most crucial role. As this prospect only determines your other ambitions. A great and stunning WordPress theme will boost your business by an extreme percentage. You can’t even imagine!

Of course! You should select your theme based on your demands but other than that you need to decide your budget, priority to go for premium or freebie, and lots more. 

You can select from a diverse range of options like a start-up, education, restaurants, agriculture, music, finance, and many more. You can select the best WordPress theme for your business recommended by the best creators.

To install a theme, go to Appearance >> Themes and then click on Add New. 

Have a bonus read too, “Amazing WordPress Themes Especially for Enthusiastic Entrepreneurs“.

Now, moving to the most important question.

Can I make money on WordPress?

Yes! Why not, but what type of money-making strategy you’re going to implement is completely up to you.

There are thousands of ways in which a person can start making money online, like if you have few products in your business that can be shipped then start an online store if you’re into the education sector, then start your paid online course, if you’re into blog or content writing then monetize your site, prefer affiliate marketing and so much more.

Opportunities are everywhere, we just need to take the initiative.


And that’s it from our side, hope we covered some insightful questions, that’ll help you to clear your queries. We know these were too basic and we’ll cover some trickiest questions in the upcoming section. 

So, stay tuned with us and if you’re searching for an amazing theme then visit Iqonic Design‘s free themes and plugins.

Thank you for staying till the end, we value your time and efforts. Feel free to acquire any assistance from our team. Our executives will be delighted to solve your queries and ensure secure payments.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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