5 Fabulous Reasons To Make Your Next Dev Project In Angular JS


It is super easy, just go with the AngularJS website template and all the struggle of creating and customizing instantly disappears like magic! Also what happens here instantly is that you are an admin. For those, who aren’t so familiar with Angular JS, it is an open-source front-end framework developed by Google to create dynamic, modern web apps. This framework has gained huge traction over time due to its capacity to eliminate unnecessary code and ensure lighter & faster apps.

Selecting a technology framework is a crucial decision. There is a payoff in carefully opting for a framework to develop your projects. AngularJS is a champion solution for a multitude of project requirements and is completely capable of integrating with other components to perform a process stack. Due to its simplicity and ease of learning and unlimited capacity, your next development project needs nothing but AngularJS. We’ve got on board with Angular and launched our best-seller and one of the most expansive software technology website theme — Sofbox in Angular 9.

Angular JS

AngularJS helps in creating beautiful, interactive, and dynamic one-page applications by compelling unique features that include templates, two-way binding, modular, API, and AJAX handling. Website Designers can use HTML as a template language and even extend HTML syntax to easily convey the components of the application. So here, we’ve summed up five fabulous reasons you need to use Angular JS for your next dev project.

1. Google support to your project

One of the greatest advantages of Angular JS is that it is supported by Google’s Long-Term Support (LTS). And that is why we can expect it to further scale up the Angular ecosystem. The best part about it is Google’s Long-Term Support (LTS). This locks the light on Google’s idea to stay with it and further scale up the Angular ecosystem. Angular JS applications are built on TypeScript language, a superscript for JavaScript, and that ensures higher security as it supports types (primitives, interfaces, etc.). It helps scan and eliminate errors early when writing the code or performing maintenance tasks. AngularJS ensures improved navigation, refactoring, and auto-completion services.

2. Declarative UI Pattern

Angular JS uses HTML to define the UI pattern of the application. HTML, as compared to JavaScript, is a less complex language. HTML is also a declarative and intuitive language. So how does Angular JS help? You don’t need to scrap your time in program flows and in deciding what loads first. Define what you require and Angular JS will take care of it brilliantly.

3. POJO pros!

When you determine to give in to Angular, you don’t need any additional functions. Every object it uses is POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object), which enables object manipulation by providing all the conventional JavaScript functionalities. You can remove or add properties from the objects.

4. Easy & simplified Unit-Testing

In Angular JS, testing is extremely easy. Angular.js modules have application parts, that are easy to manipulate. With module separation, you can load the necessary services and effectively perform automatic testing. Just as being independent of each other, the components make unit testing much easier and simpler.

5. Modular structure & re-usability 

Angular ensures easy development by eliminating the need for unnecessary coding. It organizes code into buckets, whether it is components, directives, pipes, or services. Angular JS refers to these buckets as modules and these modules make application functionality organization easy by segregating it into features and reusable chunks. Angular’s modular structure also allows for lazy loading, which probably paves the way for application feature loading in the background or on-demand.


This popular JavaScript framework creates outstanding web applications. AngularJS addresses some of the challenges of single-page web applications and regardless of the size, the browser loads a single page. AngularJS is a great technology for building dashboards. We’ve just started exploring and releasing the Angular version of our stunning portfolio of themes. 

Do You Want to Make Your Website Smarter? Get in Touch With Us!

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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