Just Launched: Markethon — Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template


Keeping functionality and appearance at the heart of a website, a digital marketing website must also have easy navigation and coding integrity. With many heedful efforts, we now launched a website template that accommodates both businesses as well as the agency. Markethon — Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template. It means a lot to create a spectacular-looking and user-friendly website. It just doesn’t end there; it takes both designing and developing masterminds to produce websites that shall be located by search engines, engage with customers, and exhilarate conversions. And that’s a whole lot of pressure. To save you from all the turmoil, we have got Markethon which is a perfect home for agencies’ digital business projects, or marketing agency concepts. It is successfully creating a unique user experience that inspires website visitors to become loyal leads of the brand.

Markethon — Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template
Markethon — Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template

Requisite features in a Digital Marketing Agency Website

Requisite features in a Digital Marketing Agency Website
Credit source: Markethon theme

1. Clean and appealing design

A supreme quality design is attractive and easy to read. A clean design like Markethon helps viewers focus on the value of your brand and brand message instead of confusing graphics and overly crowded texts.

2. Color Scheme

For a digital marketing agency, it becomes essential to stand out from the rest, and here, color scheme plays a vital part. Bold and bright colors evoke emotional responses and keeping this in mind, Markethon is infused with bright and lively colors.

3. CTA

Encourage your website visitor to act in a certain way. Placing a call to action option on your website imposes customers to contact your business. For example, a friendly message on your Contact Us page creates a great impact.

4. Blog

Having an on-site blog helps you keep your customers connected with you. Sharing information on new work, new projects, case studies, launches, press releases, and other industry-related information is very much recommended.

5. Mobile vs Responsive sites

For a large-scale company with an existing web presence, it totally makes sense to have a separate, mobile-friendly website designed and made to perform well on any device. Consequently, a startup would be better served by choosing a Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template that is capable of adapting to any device.

Mobile vs Responsive sites
Mobile vs Responsive sites

Markethon has a lot to offer to anyone creating a digital marketing agency website. With various elements like Slider Revolution, Mega Menu, Modernizr, Magnific PopUp, Isotope, and Scrollme features, this theme stands out exceptionally. Additionally, with a smart demo alternative, this is worth making value to the brand.

Feature pages of Markethon — Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template

  • 3+ homepage layout
  • 2 About Us pages
  • Blog pages
  • Client pages
  • Contact us page
  • FAQs page
  • Portfolio pages
  • Policy pages
  • Service & service details
  • Team details
  • 404 error pages and more.


2019 is all about finding a creative niche that is distinctive as well as efficient to the needs of the modern market. Markethon gives you the finest creative templates for your marketing and digital agency.

It comes with Bootstrap 4 and vibrant colors. It also incorporates inner pages like pricing, blog, contact, about, and more. Your site will instantly adapt to any device with any screen size. Text and images are kept flexible to be rendered as per your specifications. Each page is fully responsive and retina-ready, making your brand look good on any device. The theme features pixel-perfect graphics and design. Markethon comes with several custom widgets to showcase your content with style.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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