Top 10 Certified Tips To Enhance Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) in WordPress


Do you want to enhance the organic click-through rate (CTR) for your WordPress website? Improving your CTR can help improve your SEO rankings and get more traffic to your website from search engines.

So, let’s start with our Pro and certified tips to Enhance Organic Click Through Rate(CTR) in WordPress.

What is the Click-through Rate?

The full form of CTR is the Click-through rate. This is a way through which an online advertising campaign is measured. CTR refers to the percentage in which the number of users who clicked on the advertisements of the web page is divided to get the number of times they were delivered (impressions) in the ad pages. Organic CTR is largely based on ranking position but is also influenced by a result’s title tag, description, URL, and presence of Rich Snippets.

  • CTR = Number of clicks/number of Ad impressions
  • CTR% = Number of ad clicks/number of Ad Impression = 100

Simply put, if you get 100 visitors to your site, then you get 20 clicks, then your CTR will be 20%.

How to Find Organic Click-Through Rate?

The best way to find out the Organic Click-Through Rate(CTR) is Google Console. You can add your Website to the Google Search Console to view organic CTR.

1. Focus on your title

The first thing that people see in the search result is your title, in such a situation you should leave no stone unturned to improve your title. An Eye Catchy Title can boost your CTR by up to 10%.

Putting keywords in the title is a perfect SEO practice but in this case, you do not lose your title’s strict readability, the title that the SEO Engine likes, it is not necessary that people also like that title. Make Title Meaning Full with SEO Friendly.

2. Optimize Your Description

You can make the description SEO Friendly, even if you do not make the Meaningful. You can use words like Power Words like “Divine”, “Secret” and Free. In Power Words Lists, you will find more than 300+ Power Words. If there is no Calendar Year (Current Calendar Year) in your Title, then you must put it in the Description.

Make sure that your description includes your target keywords and explains what users will see when they visit your website. This helps users understand your content better and encourages them to click more often.

3. Write URLs Proper

The last part of these URLs is called the URL slug, and WordPress automatically generates it based on your post/page title. Using only keywords in URLs can cause low Organic CTR for you, for this, you have to write your URLs properly.

4. Keep your website’s loading time short

By keeping the loading speed of your website low, you will get the full benefit of Click. A click is counted only when you spend some time after your Visitor lands on your website. If the loading speed of your website is low, then your Bounce Rate will start to be high and not Organic CTR.

5. Use Rich Snippets Schema Markup Standout

When you search for anything on Google, you will receive different results both in the form of snippets and blue links. What distinguishes a rich snippet from a normal one is that a rich snippet is a specialized form of search result that is tailored for a particular task or function rather than a simple blue link.

The easiest way to add rich snippets of schema markup to your WordPress website is by using the All in One SEO plugin. It comes with built-in support for schema markup, allowing you to set it up for each post type like posts, products, reviews, and more.

6. Track your Website Traffic and User Engagement

When you start getting some traffic to your blog, then track them from where the traffic is coming to your site. What users like to read on your blog.

After analyzing all these data, you can make a better plan and create content according to the needs of your website user. You can use the Google Analytics Tool.

Apart from this, when the user asks a question in the comment section, then create a beautiful and informative article on it as well. Like that user, there will be many other users who are searching for the article for that question.

7. Update old post

Update your old posts with new information. This will give you a better rank in the search engine. Search engines like blogs that keep updating their content with new information. When you update your content, add a new image and video to it. This way your old post becomes new. After updating the post, ask the search engine (Google) to crawl it again.

8. Use the SEO Plugin

SEO plugin makes your WordPress site even more SEO friendly. This gives you full control over indexing. Apart from this, you can write a custom title and meta description for your content.

There are a lot of SEO plugins in the market for WordPress sites. But I would recommend you to Yoast SEO. This is a very popular and best SEO plugin for WordPress sites. This helps you understand onPage optimization, that is, gives you suggestions for onPage optimization.

If you are a new blogger, then this plugin can prove to be perfect for you to optimize the content better. Here is a guide on Yoast SEO Settings.

Features of Yoast SEO

  1. You can change the post’s SEO title and meta description.
  2. Focus keywords can be provided for the article.
  3. Allows to create a sitemap.
  4. Can edit .htaccess and robots.txt files.
  5. SEO for taxonomies (category and tags) can write title and meta description.
  6. [Premium] Redirect manager
  7. [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions
  8. [Premium] Synonyms & related keyphrases
  9. [Premium] offers News SEO, Video SEO, Local SEO, and WooCommerce SEO extensions

9. Stay up to date with Google algorithms

It is very important to stay updated with Google algorithms. If you do not pay attention to Google’s algorithms, then you will not be able to achieve success in blogging.

There are many bloggers whose blogs used to get a lot of traffic from Google searches. But their traffic dropped significantly as the Google algorithm was updated.

So it is very important to keep an eye on Google algorithms and update your blog with new algorithms.

10. Set Author Archives to No-index

If you have been the owner of a single-author blog, then keep it disabled. Because the content will be on the Author Archives page, the same content will also appear on your homepage and will cause duplicate content issues.

You can use the WordPress SEO plugin (Yoast SEO) to disable or no-index author pages.

The Top 10 Certified Tips that I mentioned here will help To Enhance the Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) in WordPress 100%. But you cannot boost your traffic overnight. This is a long time process. You have to be patient in this.

But keep in mind one thing Quality content is very important. If you use all these techniques on your site but do not pay attention to the quality content, then all your hard work is useless. Google will not rank your content well in search results and your website will not be able to get traffic from search engines.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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