Small & Mid-size Enterprise Guide To Adding a Personality To Website Chatbot


We’ve heard a lot of buzz about Chatbots — and we ain’t complaining!

Chatbots are a fun way of initiating engagement through communication with your direct customers. As an e-marketer, you must be familiar with the term “customer representative”. These traits are very important when deciding the marketing mix of the company’s offering. When you plan to fine-tune your marketing campaign for these specific persona users; you need to come down to their level of understanding and acceptance. So, having a chatbot tuned in just like your customers’ traits and talks, makes you win half battle.


Chatbots are a more personal way of communication that makes a business website a winner simply by adopting this approach. Chatbots serve a multi-functional purpose. For small and mid-size enterprises; a chatbot can reduce customer service costs, accelerate buying behavior, and boost confidence in the brand. Chatbot technology isn’t an undercover topic. We’ve started exploring this tech update and busted the myth that we require a developer to code, maintain, and show them off to small and mid-size business owners.

Talking to a Bot Basic Personality Building

Personality quirks make a chatbot unique from other chatbots — just like us. A chatbot’s personality has a significant impact on the customer and ensures that the interaction is much more pleasant. This is where your chatbot content strategy should work. Adding content is adding persona to your chatbot and we’ve sorted a few parameters that fairly define a personality that is unique and interactive for a chatbot. There are two types of personality we can attach to a chatbot:

1. Individual bot that represents a representative

2. A company or a brand voice

Talking to a Bot Basic Personality Building | Iqonic Design

Understanding the purpose and goal of your chatbot will help you develop a deeper sensibility and meaning to your chatbot’s persona. Your chatbot can be extrovert or introvert, cooperative or disagree with the situation, or open-ended or close-ended. Determining the personality high depends on the personality traits and demographics of your target audience.

The process of basic personality building starts with drafting various scripts to test. Content is king and shall always be. With the right content, you can create a linear voice, a synced tone, and the attitude of your chatbot. Super tip: Create a script keeping in mind that you are making a direct pitch with the client. Role play is one of the most used business tools to create a well-groomed script.

Key points to keep in mind

Talking to a Bot Basic Personality Building | Iqonic Design

After you decide what kind of personality you are willing to give to your chatbot. You must keep the voice of your chatbot consistent, memorable, and updated periodically to sustain your customers’ loyalty.

Whether you are selling a product or service, working with a brand without a clearly defined brand voice makes it difficult to connect in the long term. As an e-marketer, or a do-it-all entrepreneur (small business) you can add a persona image to your chatbot. It can be a human-like or animated or a character or even an animal! Nothing feels more appealing than having a face to talk to when you are doubtful. You can even name your Chatbot. As fancier as you can get.

Sometimes, a chatbot personality becomes so strong that, the bot itself builds a cognitive relationship in the mind of the visitor, and the visitor feels connected with the brand. From the chatbot’s archetype, core traits, and image an e-marketer can start fleshing out the brand’s voice and value. Name your chatbot, once you know what your chatbot is, it becomes easier to draft around a script that looks tuned to the ‘nature’ of the chatbot — it can be a traditional name or an extremely fancy one. That’s how you make your chatbot content strategy. You can integrate emojis, gifs, stickers, tutorials, and even short videos and attachments into your chatbot. It looks tempting to have multimedia while you are having a conversation.

Why Chatbot Personality For SMEs

Why Chatbot Personality For SMEs | Iqonic Design

We’ve already explored how AI and Chatbots can be used for your business websites. Now let’s take a closer look at how adding a chatbot personality elevate small and mid-size enterprise.

1. Digital Marketing

Website visitors see chatbots as the easiest way to contact whether it is for a query or for some information. Chatbots play an active role in customer service and we help in building your email marketing source. One of your digital marketing objectives is achieved through an enhanced and personalized chatbot.

2. Support system

There is one thing we can’t beat with a chatbot and that is — promptness. Chatbots are very quick and always there (24 x 7). Your common questions are usually answered within seconds and this level of support system impresses a visitor and its customers. You can even integrate your FAQ page to this section for a detailed justification.

Who Builds Chatbots

These days, chatbot tools are incredibly user-friendly. Without any degree in programming or a fair knowledge of coding, you can use chatbot tools to get started. Designing and developing chatbots and chat marketing funnels is all about your content and script.

Tools To Use

There is an Artificial intelligence-enabled WordPress website that has an inbuilt chatbot plugin. This is one of the best ways to start your digital project. Having a website that supports your chatbot is an added advantage. Adding personality to this chatbot plugin then becomes a breeze.


Ultimately, Facebook Messenger chatbots are powerful marketing and customer service tools. By embracing chatbots, you are using a communication channel that customers prefer and enjoy. Chatbots let you be where your customers are, on the chat app they know, love, and rely on every day, letting you grow your business with today’s trending tech.

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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