5 Salient Features Of Management Dashboard For Restaurant Managers


“Although a great restaurant experience must include great food, a bad restaurant experience can be achieved through bad service alone. Ideally, service is invisible. You notice it only when something goes wrong.” – Dana Spiotta

Such dynamic words, inspire us to excel in our services and win the hearts of our customers in no time. Restaurant owners must agree with us that great customer service converts more people to become loyal visitors rather than alluring discount coupons.

Yes! It’s absolutely true, as the customer remembers the vibe, the aura, and the charisma more of the person dealing with them rather than the ambiance and offers. No doubt! Great quality of food still tops the list but here we are focusing on prior customer experience.

Congratulations! As you’ve already decided to go one step beyond and provide the best customer service even at their home.

How? Well, you’re on the journey to take your business online. Isn’t this the best way to cater to the needs of a customer instantly? Consider this as an opportunity!

An opportunity to expand your business, an opportunity to explore an entirely new domain, an opportunity to become versatile and up to the trend, and an opportunity to strive more! With so many aspects to cover, we are sure that you will require a robust platform that helps to accomplish all your necessities and establish all the prominent features.

In this blog, we’ll help you with the selection of the top 5 key features that play a vital role in the Restaurant management dashboard. So, if you’re a restaurant owner and looking forward to implementing new strategies with inventive measures. Then hop on to the ride of insights, as this will be the best choice for you.

Before we begin, here’s a bonus that you’ll love it!

3 Design Trends to Enhance Your Restaurant’s Website

A) Stunning Welcome Image!

With the increasing number of websites, we’re sure that people love to engage with appealing visual beats. According to a survey, people love to engage with creativity more if there’s an appropriate visual attached to it and we’ve come across this human attitude during our infant age too.

We love pictures, videos, and visuals more than simple texts and sayings. To sum up! Graphics add soul to our words and enhance the conversion rate. Imagine, how vibrant your page will look if you’ll display a dominating visual on your Homepage.

We call it a HERO IMAGE!

B) Responsiveness!

To access the social media handles, which device do you prefer? A Smartphone, Of course!

And to access the work-stuff with various similar criteria, which device do you prefer? A personal desktop, No doubt!

With, so many devices and applications mobile internet usage is no longer a novelty. Surprisingly, in the last few years, mobile internet users have surpassed desktop users by a great difference. In such changing circumstances, is your website compatible with all the devices? Check that for sure and if not then update the website accordingly.

C) Online Interactivity and Virtual Scrolling!

Say Bye! To the era when restaurant owners just used to publish their menus and their online presence used to be established. To be honest, it’s way too obsolete and needs to be avoided as now it creates a bad impression at first sight.

Software and services provide a lot more than that, now you can take the game to another level.

We’ll explain each aspect in the later section. So, stay tuned! 

5 Key Features to Make Your Restaurant Zestful!

1. Intuitive Dashboards

Being into restaurant management doesn’t only mean that you’ve to look into the ambiance, customer satisfaction, great quality of food, and well-behaved employees. It’s now more than that, with the enormous blend of technology aspects in each field, numerous opportunities are being welcomed.

For instance, earlier people used to visit the place and book a table for upcoming days, now it’s as simple as ordering your food. And guess what, by being online you can start your online food delivery system too. Isn’t this letting you explore so many opportunities?

Relax! We understand that with great opportunity comes great responsibility and to take them efficiently you require adequate software. So, here’s our best recommendation- Aprycot- Restaurant Management Admin Template.

With so many facilities to offer, we’ve covered intuitive graphs, total earnings portfolio, Last transactions, prominent product sales, Net sales, Net Profit, Specialities, and Earning Categories.

Wait! There’s something more, we’re providing three different dashboards for three different domains namely, “User”, “Admin” and “Restaurant”.

Aprycot | Restaurant HTML5 Admin Dashboard| Iqonic Design

Excited to learn more? We’ll cover each key feature with an application from Aprycot!


2. User management

Now, that you have a specific dashboard to operate on and figure out various trends, decide the priorities, and come up with enthralling planning.

We can go to the User Management prospect, what’s basically that?

Hundreds of thousands of customers visit your restaurant daily on average. Don’t you think it will be a huge opportunity to target these potential customers and make them your loyal consumers? Yes, you can do that easily by sending gift coupons, amazing offer details, newsletters, e-mail follow-ups and so much more.

Think creatively, we’re just helping you out in making your business go wild with Aprycot- Restaurant Management Admin Template.

This theme provides you with access to manage all your data seamlessly on one dashboard. Here, you can manage all your customers’ details and target the marketing strategies accordingly. Have a look at the feature, Now!

Aprycot | Restaurant Management Admin Template | Iqonic Design

Coming Up!

3. Special pages!

Aprycot | Restaurant Management Admin Template | Iqonic Design

They’re as special as their names are, by not wasting your precious time. We’ll quickly tell you about them, in brief.

Pages that add credibility to your profile namely, “Dish detail, Add To Cart, Order History, Order Detail, Menu, Customer Review, Restaurant Detail, and many more.

Appropriate enough? Now to help you with this, our Best Restaurant Management Admin Template offers a ready-to-use panel. You don’t have to take the trouble of developing it with huge codes and all just customize it with the help of drag and drop Software. Want to have a look? Click Now on “Special Pages”.

Moving up next,

4. Utilities

Aprycot | Restaurant Management Admin Template | Iqonic Design

They’re the ones, that work to your benefit apart from being the actual part of the website. Pages like error 404, error 500, and maintenance. They deal with your customers when you can’t reach them successfully.

Aprycot- Restaurant Management Admin Template, provides an in-built page template for these all pages too.


5. Elements

After Special Pages, there are ones that play a salient role in the website development. All the essentials such as Widgets, Maps, Forms, Tables, and icons do come under this category.

Don’t you want to make your website thrilling out of the running trends? We bet the book your table feature will captivate you enough and enrich your sales too.

Something More About Aprycot!

Aprycot – Restaurant Management Admin Template guide could be a Restaurant ordering & management template style meant for any company that’s trying to create their buildings app with this template design. it’s a contemporary and versatile dashboard with numerous ready-to-use apps and utility pages. It consists of the foremost spectacular pages like the author module, error pages, order pages, restaurants pages, invoice, and three dashboard pages.

This is a Restaurant HTML5 Admin Dashboard guide and a super clean appearance can make your backend app look lovely and elegant. Your Aprycot works seamlessly on all major net browsers, tablets, and phones. every page is absolutely responsive and retina-ready, making your creation look smart on any device.

Technologies that are used in this theme are SASS, Gulp, Handlebars, and Bootstrap 5.

Have a great experience while using it and try out the demo version, Now!

Thank you for staying till the end, we value your time and efforts. Feel free to acquire any assistance from our team. Our executives will be delighted to solve your queries and ensure secure payments.

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Vatsal Makhija
Vatsal Makhija
Articles: 117