How an Educational Institute can Develop a Learning Management System Using a Modular Approach


The COVID-19 outbreak emerged several business models and one such is the eLearning industry. Due to pandemics, the exemplary growth of the EdTech sector is expected to strengthen in the coming years, and schools, colleges, and institutes have started adopting the Hybrid eLearning model with a scalable Learning Management System (LMS).

As per recent studies, the role of an LMS has evolved. The modern learning management system offers facilities like meeting remote education for students’ requirements onboarding educational staff, and knowledge transfer administration. The traditional off-shelf LMS needs to be replaced by dynamic, custom-made to specific business needs.

In this case, we will highlight how an educational institute can develop a Learning Management System that will be an appropriate gateway to running an institute with optimal productivity using a modular approach


Intuitive and user-friendly Learning Management System for students, professors, and college administration of an educational institute offering remote classes. 


Remote learning demands a unique accountability and monitoring system. Colleges and educational institutes often face challenges like: –

i) Low student engagement in remote classes. (Teacher analytics)

ii) Educational staff retention and assessment (College admin)

ii) Difficulty for students in managing remote lectures and keeping track of the schedule. (User analytics)


To integrate a new Learning Management System with a modern and user-friendly UX approach that connects remote students, educational staff, and administration efficiently.

i) Professor Analytics:

Devise an admin panel to track monthly performance statistics of educational staff by considering faculties of different subjects, top-performing professors, remote working hours of educational staff, and attendance of professors. 

ii) Institute’s Administration Analytics:

Coming down to only the essential factors that determine the profitability of an educational institute, analytics of course sales, average impression of courses, monthly engagement of various courses, overall online traffic during e-learning sessions, course lists, and careers can help improve the plan of the institute. 

iii) Student Analytics :

We created a bespoke student analytics panel that highlights study statistics, course progress and duration completed, certifications, pursued courses list, a monthly calendar to help students keep a real-time check on upcoming events and submissions, and a dynamic notice board for important announcements, and date-wise group activities. 


Hope UI - Admin Dashboard Template and UI Component | Iqonic Design

With the help of interactive and user-friendly modules of the Learning Management System admin panel dedicated to Professors, Admin Staff, and Students, any college or institute can successfully run a remote educational system with ease and prowess. 

Key Takeaway and Recommendation: 

Having a modern, mobile-friendly, and fully responsive user experience (UX) increases the overall competencies of an educational institute. Whether you wish to run and operate classes remotely or in person, having an accurate Learning Management System saves time and cost and increases an educational institute’s veracity. 

Hope UI – Admin Dashboard Template and UI Component are curated with pre-designed and pre-coded admin pages, dashboard, and UI elements that can be customized uncomplicatedly. Build a Learning Management System solution to suit Edtech sector businesses of any size and scale with Hope UI. 


An admin dashboard sewed to design, development, configuration, integration, and hosting can build a secure and stable foundation to manage educational institutes or EdTech projects

Hope UI – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template and UI Components Library is accessible if you wish to adopt a single feature, multiple modules of analytics, or a brand-new learning management system. Build a custom-fit Learning Management System for your business needs from the ground up. 

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Jasmin M
Jasmin M

Believer and follower of 'running the show', Jasmin Majmudar is a freelance marketing content writer, blogger, and branding consultant based in London. With a master's degree in business management, content is her forte. Extensively working with startups, artists, brands, and companies from more than 7 years, Jasmin's work has successfully made to great brand stories. A millennial soul with an introverted mind and extroverted heart, Jasmin is always with her bag, blazer, and a book (half-read).
She has nourished her passion of writing and creating successful client experiences and will continue to do so. Drop her a line here whether it's about a feedback or your craziest business idea, we will pull things together. Cheers!

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