Interactive WordPress Charts And Graphs For Data-Driven Entrepreneurs


According to Wikipedia, data visualisation is the study of how data is represented visually. Information visualisation, a closely related term, is defined as “the process of translating information into a visual form that allows the viewer to observe, browse, make sense of, and interpret the information.”

Data visualisation is used in two ways in the context of Business Intelligence (BI). To begin with, data visualisation is a field that encompasses the entire notion of how to visually portray data. The principles and systems can be used to create information-communicating visual interfaces.

It is the representation of any data in the form of a chart, graph, image, or illustration, among other things. It is utilized in a variety of fields, not just one. Because of the increase in statistical data, visual representations of such data are preferred over spreadsheets. It is simple to comprehend and saves time, both of which are critical. In a graphical depiction, the trends can be easily noticed and investigated.

The most common application of data visualisation is in business analytics. Data visualisation is employed in practically every organization because we have a lot of data. Visuals are the most effective tool for data analysis.

What is the importance of data visualisation in business? 

Data that is visualized is frequently easier to interpret and extract insights from. As a result, a data visualisation is a powerful tool for making data more accessible across a company. As a result, employees will be able to back up their decisions with solid data rather than assumptions, leading to more data-driven organizational processes.

Data visualisation can also be useful for communicating with those outsides of a company, such as the press, investors, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders.

Data visualisation has grown so crucial in modern business that many companies are now hiring people who are skilled in it, as well as other data science talents.

Tools for data visualization in Business

1) Graphina Pro – Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables

Graphina Pro - Elementor Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Datatables | Iqonic Design

Graphs and Datatables, you can quickly create, integrate, and enjoy eye-catching charts on your WordPress site. Gone are the days when making WordPress graphs and charts seemed difficult.

This tables and charts WordPress plugin is configured to dynamically launch data in the most aesthetically sensible and informative way, making chart and graph creation on WordPress a lot easier and entertaining without understanding any lines of code or design.

The Dynamic Charts, Graphs, and Data Tables plugin enable you to quickly integrate data visualisation into your WordPress website like no one else.

This tables and charts WordPress plugin is a fantastic handout for making data-driven decisions, whether you’re an eCommerce store or merely a marketer or a business consultant. The finest Data Visualization WordPress plugin appears to be gaining traction among major corporations.

Pro Features of Graphina   

  • Graphina has a number of advantages. Making charts from LOCAL and REMOTE CSV files
  • Create charts using APIs, as well as charts using FIREBASE.
  • AJAX-based auto-reloading of data from source allows you to create charts from SQL Queries to Database.
  • Data from the API and a SQL query based on the user ID Password Keep your charts safe.
  • View restriction options depending on the user’s id
  • Data from charts can be exported to PNG, SVG, and CSV files.
  • Counters with Conditional Colors

2) Google Charts

Google Charts

Google Charts is a popular free alternative for professionals who want to create dynamic data visualisations that will live on the internet.

The program can extract data from a variety of sources, including Salesforce, SQL databases, and Google Sheets, and build charts using HTML5/SVG technology, making them extremely accessible. Bar charts, pie charts, histograms, geo charts, and area charts are among the 18 types of charts available.

Members of the Google community create new charts from time to time and share them with other users, which are then shown in a gallery on Google’s website. These charts are more complex, however, they may not be HTML5 compliant.

3) Tableau


For two key reasons, Tableau is one of the most popular data visualisation solutions on the market: It’s both simple to use and quite powerful. The software can import data from hundreds of sources and create dozens of visualisation formats, including charts, maps, and more. Tableau, which is owned by Salesforce, has millions of users and community members and is widely utilized in the industry.

Tableau provides a variety of solutions, including desktop, server, and web-hosted versions of its analytics platform, as well as CRM software.

Tableau Public, a free solution, is also available. It’s worth noting, though, that any visualisations made in the free version are publicly viewable. This makes it a wonderful choice for learning the fundamentals of the software.

4) Datawrapper


It’s a tool for creating charts, maps, and other graphics for usage online, similar to Google Charts. The tool’s original target audience was reporters working on news items, but it can be useful to anyone in charge of a website.

While Datawrapper is simple to use, it is limited in comparison to the other tools on our list. It does not integrate with data sources, which is one of the major drawbacks. Instead, you must manually copy and paste data into the tool, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Scatterplots, line charts, stacked bar charts, pie charts, range plots, and a variety of maps and tables are some of the most popular outputs. There are both free and paid choices available.

5) Infogram


Infogram is yet another popular alternative for creating charts, reports, and maps.

Infogram stands out from the other tools on this list since it can be used to produce infographics (thus the name), which makes it particularly popular among creative workers. A drag-and-drop editor is also included in the program, which might be useful for beginners.

Visualizations can be saved as picture files or GIFs for use in reports and papers, or as HTML for use on the web. Infogram, like the majority of the other tools on this list, has tiers of pricing, ranging from free to enterprise-level.


To develop excellent data visualisations, a variety of tools and methodologies are available. It’s critical that you and your team comprehend the fundamental principles and choose appropriate tools. Above all, it’s critical that data is presented accurately. To create data visualisations that best serve your business objectives, layouts, colors, text, and dashboard interactivity must all be properly crafted. 

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Umita Varma
Umita Varma
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